My name is Paul Nelson and I am compelled to share my story regarding my Ski and Patent Saga with you. It was a tedious and long journey but one you may find interesting and learn from.
I have been an avid skier all my life. Plagued with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome at a young age, I was motivated to find a method to continue my “love affair” with skiing. I discovered that shortening my skis, making them wider, and adding a sidecut like a snowboard, gave me the energy boost of a good drug, giving me the ability to continue my “love affair” with skiing. A lightbulb moment that I have shared with the ski industry and you.
I had been bringing you Wide Short Shaped Skis since June of 1992 (MAX F/X), before any other manufacturer even had a shaped ski on the drawing board. No one was incorporating sidecut to ski design in the early 90’s. I filed for a patent on the Wide Short Ski in August of 1991, and introduced the industry to sidecuts by making twelve different versions.
I was granted a patent in Feb. 1997. During these years I also OEM manufactured skiboards for Microski, Canon Skiboards, Summit Skiboards, Klimax, Boogie Boards out of Japan, and some of my own skiboards called Dragonflys. Since 1997 I produced many varieties of my E/Max until all the manufacturers were producing enough that I could make royalties from the design.
I have done battle to defend my patent, concluded in losing my patent in Feb. 2009, against a high powered K2 legal team. To learn the lengthy challenging details of that journey, visit the Untold Story page on this website.
I did my best to bring smiles to the faces of those of you that found joy flying through the white fluff with the wind in your face, but my journey has come to an end. There are now all companies making my original skis and all have discovered the joy of the fat ski. Without a patent my joy is knowing I contributed. My equipment, press, molds, and sander are SOLD. Keep those sticks on the snow. I enjoyed the journey even with the challenges. Hopefully see you on the mountain…
Although it was 30 years ago you may find it revealing to read some of the comments and testimonials from OGRE and ODYSSEY skiers and owners.